A copywriter.

And you must be the incredibly intelligent person with great hair I sent my website to.

Please take a leisurely scroll.

A little more depth…

I enjoy writing words, primarily, but sometimes sentences too. I’ve dabbled in paragraphs. I’m a fan of humour in copywriting, I believe it’s very effective. Everyone appreciates a laugh at the moment.

However, in this political climate, we also need to seriously consider how we can change things for the better. I’m a political activist and would love to work more on campaigns that make a real difference.

Student Cribs
Rebrand, OOH and Social Campaign

Conception and creation of a campaign with a focus on the quality of a student crib

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OOH and VIP event

Copy for a jumbotron and the internal video walls for the event

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Website, brochure and promotional video

Copy written in accordance with the Ritz-Carlton’s distinct TOV guidelines

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  • Arguably the most frequently asked question ever.

  • Another classic.